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<2024 June 23rd>


Video articleof my two exhibitions in Busan on Youtube.

<2024 June 1st>

6月15日から6月30日まで、韓国・釜山のGallery Negativeにて、「2200Miles」の展示が開催されます。

"2200Miles" will be exhibited at Gallery Negative in Busan South Korea from 15th to 30th June 2024.

<2024 June 1st>

6月15日から6月30日まで、韓国・釜山のSPACE Sにて、「蝶の見た夢」の展示が開催されます。

"Butterfly had a dream" will be exhibited at SPACE S in Busan South Korea from 15th to 30th June 2024.

<2024 April 2nd>

ロシア・サンクトペテルブルクのThe Museum and Exbition Center ROSPHOTOにて開催されるグループ展

Group Exhibition"Timeless Classics, Traditions and Experiments in Landscape Photography"


"2200Miles" will be exhibited at Group Exhibition"Timeless Classics, Traditions and Experiments in Landscape Photography"

at The Museum and Exhibition Center POSPHOTO in Saint-Petersburg an Russia. 27th April to 30th June

<2023 November 10th>

フランスのCHIBI INTERNATIONAL社から"What is photography for you"が出版され、私も紹介されています。。

"What is photography for you" by Chibi International in France has been published which my works are introduced.

<2022 February 10th>


"Butterfly had a dream" is featured atPen Online France.

<2021 July 5th>

7月10日より8月8日までポルトガルのCASA DA CALTURAL DE AVINTESで「蝶の見た夢」の展示が開催されます。

"Butterfly had a dream" will be exhibited at CASA DA CALTURAL DE AVINTES in Portugal from 10th July to 8th August.

<2021 March 5th>

本日より3月14日までの10日間、フランスのWOMBATにてサイン入りプリントセールが行われます。WOMBAT ART BOX #16では


One of main image from my photobook "POET ISLAND" is now on sale at WOMBAT in France theme with "FREEDOM".

This sale is from today to 14th March.

<2020 November 5th>


"2200Miles" will be exhibited at Gallery722 in Okayama from 6th to 29th November.

<2020 September 12th>

9月6日よりポルトガルのiNstantes-Avintes International Photo Festival 7th で「蝶の見た夢」の展示が始まりました。

"Butterfly had a dream" is now exhibited at "iNstantes-Avintes International Photo Festival 7th" in Portugal.

<2020 July 7th>


Photo exhibition "2200Miles" will be held at Gallery SOKYUSHA from 13th to 26th July 2020

<2020 January 10th>

1月10日より2月1日まで新刊記念写真展「2200Miles」が乃木坂のBooka and Modern+Blue Sheep Galleryにて開催されます。

My new book photo exhibition "2200Miles" will open today, till 1st February atBooks and Modern+Blue Sheep Gallery,Tokyo.

<2020 January 6th>

1月6日から30日まで英国バーミンガム郊外で開催中のReclaim Photography Festivalに「蝉丸」で参加しています。

"SEMIMARU" is participatingReclaim Photography Festivalin U.K. from 6th to 30th January.

<2019 December 16th>

新刊記念写真展「2200Miles」が来年1月10日より2月1日まで乃木坂のBooks and Modernで開催されます。

There is my newphoto exhibition "2200Miles"at Books and Modern from 10th Jan. to 1st Feb. in 2020.

<2019 December 12th>


My 5thphotobook "2200Miles"is published from SOKYUSHA.

<2019 August 2nd>

フランスのiki editionsから出版された「NEKO Project」に審査員として参加しました。

I am participated as one of the juries for "NEKO-Project" published by iki editions.

<2019 April 3rd>

写真誌「PHOTOSAI 2019 spring号」巻頭にインタビューが掲載されました。

My interview is featured at photography magazine"PHOTOSAI"2019 spring edition.

<2018 November 6th>


You can see record movie of my exhibition "TUKUROHI"  here

<2018 November 5th>


You can see record pics of my exhibition "TUKUROHI"  here

<2018 October 17th>


NHK TV ocal news about my exhibition at Miidera-temple on aired today.

<2018 October 19h>


My exhibition"TUKUROHI" and my interview is featured at Kyoto News Pater.

<2018 October 15th>


Report of my exhibition "TUKUROHI"is featured at PHOTOSAI

<2018 October 12th>


I was appeared in FM-Ootsu radio proglam "Lunch time Ootsu"

<2018 October 5th>


My exhibition "TUKUROHI" and my interview is featured at Mainichi News Paper.

<2018 October 5th>


My exhibition "TUKUROHI" is featured at Asahi News Paper.

<2018 August 28th>

マレーシアのペナン島にて毎年開催されるOBSCURA Festival of Photographyの写真集展示に拙著「詩人の島」がセレクトされ、スライドトークをしてきました。

My photo book "Poet Island" has been selected one of ten photo books of the year exhibition at OBSCURA Festival of Photography 2018 in Penangisland Malaysia. I did  some slide talk and so on.

<2018 August 5th>

写真展「つくろひ」のB1.B2ポスター と  A4フライヤーが刷り上がりました。

B1.B2 sized postersandA4 sized flyersfor my upcoming exhibition "TUKUROHI"are ready now.

<2018 July 2nd>


Happy to announce that there will be my photo exhibition "tukurohi" at 三井寺 Miidera-temple in this autumn. Here isthewebpagefor the show.

<2018 June 6th>

ギリシャのAthens Photo Festivalの写真集展示に拙著「蝉丸」も参加しています。

My latest photo book "SEMIMARU" is participating photo book exhibition of Athens Photo Festival 2018 at Benaki Museum,6th June - 29th July.

<2018 May 29th>


My interview about SEMIMARU is featured at"Japan Photo Almanac 2018"

<2018 April 9th>

今週末14日(土)15日(日)にアイルランドで行われますCork Photo FestivalのJ Book Showに拙著「蝉丸」も展示されることになりました。

My latest photobook "SEMIMARU" will be shown at"J Book Show"in Cork, Ireland on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of April2018.
The show is part of the Cork Photo Festival.

<2018 April 4th>

5月4日から30日まで英国Wolverhamptonにて開催されるReclaim Photography Festival 2018に「南国頌」で参加します。

My early series "NANGOKUSHO" will participateReclaim Photography Festival 2018in Wolverhampton U.K. from 4th to 30th May. Festival theme is "Reclaim our future".

<2018 January 16th>

写真誌「アスファルト」のすべての内容をご覧いただけるアーカイブWEB SITEを作りました。

Have launchedASPHALT archival web sitewhich you can see all contents of photography magazine "ASPHALT".

<2017 October 27th>

in)(between art gallery パリでの個展の様子をこちらでご覧いただけます。

You can see my photo exhibition at in)(between art gallery Paris  with this link.

<2017 October 20th>


My latest photo book "SEMIMARU" is featured with Aya Fujioka's book at Japan Professional Photographers Society bulletin 2017 October issuebyphoto editor Mr.Kazunori Kohno.

<2017 October 20th>


"SEMIMARU" is featured at NIPPON CAMERA Magazine November issue which is out today on gravure 7 pages.

本日よりin)(between art galleryパリにて個展が始まります。10月28日まで。20日(金)午後6時よりレセプション。

My solo exhibitionstarts today atin)(between art galleryin Paris. till 28th October. Book signing and reception is 20th from6pm.

<2017 September 22nd>


My exhibition"SEMIMARU" at Gallery722in Okayama is till 30th September. I'll be there on 23rd and 24th. If you're in town,please drop by.

<2017 September 15th>


My interviewin Kyoto News Paper on 15th September.

<2017 August 27th>


Book review of SEMIMARUis on 27th August Kyoto News Paper Sunday book review.

<2017 August 24th>


There is my solo exhibition at in)(between art gallery in Paris from 12th to 28th October 2017. The details will be announced  later.

<2017 August 23rd>

10月6日より10月27日まで、英国Wolverhamptonにて行われるAutumn Exhibition of Reclaim Photography FestivalにPoet Islandから1点参加します。

One image from "Poet Island" will be shown at Autumn Exhibition of Reclaim Photography Festival 2017 in Wolverhampton UK.

<2017 August 15th>


There is my photo exhibition "SEMIMARU" at Gallery722 from 1st to 30th September 2017.

<2017 August 7th>


Wonderful review of my new book "SEMIMARU"by German art historian Jan-Frederik Rust is releaseed.

<2017 June 26th>


Photo exhibition "SEMIMARU" has started todai at SOKYUSHA. Untill 9th July.

<2017 May 21st>


My 4th photo book"SEMIMARU"is released today.

<2017 April 29th>

5月5日に英国ブライトンで開かれる「I Book Show+」に「詩人の島」で参加します。

I'll participate "I Book Show+"on 5th May in Brighton in UK with "POET ISLAND".

<2017 March 21st>

5月6日から6月7日に英国バーミンガムで開かれるReclaim Photography Festival 2017に拙著「詩人の島」


I'll participate "Reclaim Photography Festival 2017" in Bitmingham in UK from 6th May to 7th June

2017 with series from my resent photo book "POET ISLAND".

<2017  February  22nd>



A cover image of my photo book "NENGOKUSHO" is appeared in a catalog of Japanese graphic design

exhibition in France in 2016.

<2016  September  22nd>

パリ発アートマガジン「FLASH !」の14号に拙著「詩人の島」から14点が掲載されました。54ページから。

There are 14 images from "POET ISLAND" featured on the 14th issue of a fine art photography magazine

"FLASH !"from Paris. POET ISLAND is from page 54.

<2016  June  2nd>


6th Different Dimension Festivalに拙作「蝶の見た夢」で参加しています。

企画はモスクワ現代美術ビエンナーレのキューレイターAndrey Martynov氏。

I am participating 6th Different Dimention Festival at the State of Novosibrisk Art Musium in Russia

from 2nd June to 2nd July 2016. This festival is curated by Mr.Andrey Martynov.

<2016  March  17th>

英国にて4月11日から27日まで開催されますRECLAIM Photography West Midlands 2016


Some prints from "Butterfly had a dream" will be exhibited at Wolverhampton Art Gallery in UK

and on the street of city centre for "PECLAIM Photography West Midlands 2016" from 11th to

27th April 2016.

<2016  January 21st>

パリのin)(between galleryにてグループ展に参加しています。1月21日〜3月5日

I'm participating a group photo exhibition atin)(between galleryParis from 21st Jan. to 5th March.

<2016  January 11th>


My photobook "Butterfly had a dream" is now featured byTRETERZI 3/3from Rome.

<2015 November 6th>

インド発  エマホマガジン のサイトに写真集「詩人の島」が紹介されました。

Photo book "POET ISLAND" is featured by  EMAHO Magazine from India.

<2015 November 2nd>


Photo exhibition "Poet Island" is now at  Gallery SOKYUSHA  in Tokyo Japan. 2nd to 15th November.

<2015 October 15th>

オーストラリアの写真ウエブサイト「The New Frame」に「詩人の島」のレビューが掲載されました。

The review of "POET ISLAND" byThe New Frame.

<2015 October 1st>


Photo exhibition "Poet Island" is now atGallery 722in Okayama Japan. 1st October to 29th October.

<2015 September 25th>

インドのニューデリーで催される「Just Another Photo Festival」にて「南国頌」のスライドショーが上映されます。9月25日〜9月30日。

Slide show of my photo book "NANGOKUSHO" will be shown at "Just Another Photo Festival" in New Delhi India from 25th to30th September.

<2015 July 14th>


POET ISLAND is now available for sale at "PhotoBookStore" in U.K..

<2015 July 3rd>

写真集「南国頌」と「町の見た夢」がギリシャ・アテネのBenaki Museumにて開催中のAthens Photo Festivalにて展示中です。

Photobook "NANGOKUSHO" and "Butterfly had a dream" are shown atAthens Photo Festivalat Benaki Museum an Greece.

<2015 June 20th>

アサヒカメラ7月号のSpecial Feature Photographyに詩人の島が掲載されました。

There is "POET ISLAND" on photography journal ASAHI CAMERA July issue at Special Feature Photography.


<2015 May 28th>


"POET ISLAND" is now available at "Bookdummypress" in New York

<2015 May 9th>


Review of book launch photo exhibition "POET ISLAND" is posted atZen Foto Blog.

<2015 May 3rd>

ベルギーの写真集書店「Tipi Book Shop」にて「詩人の島」の取扱いが始まりました。

"POET ISLAND" is now available at "Tipi Book Shop" in Belgium.

<2015 April 30th>

ポルトガルの写真集書店「Photo Book Corner」で「詩人の島」の取扱いが始まりました。

"POET ISLAND" is now available for sale at "Photo Book Corner" in Portugal.

<2015 April 26th>


Review of "POET ISLAND"by Berlin based art historian Jan-Frederik Rust.

<2015 April 12th>


The review of my photo exhibition "POET ISLAND" is now on ARTSCAPE.

<2015 April 12th>

Christer EK のブログで「詩人の島」が紹介されました。

"POET ISLAND" is posted byChrister EK.

<2015 April 8th>

Gabriela Cendoyaのブログで「詩人の島」が紹介されました。

"POET ISLAND" is posted by  Gabriela Cendoya.

<2015 April 8th>

オーストリアのWeb Site 「Virtual Bookshelf JC」に「詩人の島」が掲載されました。

"POET ISLAND" is posted byVirtual Bookshelf JC.

<2015 April 8th>


"Poet Island" is now available atSha Sha Sha

<2015 April 8th>

アートボックス「Wombat No.16」が発売になりました。

Art box "Wombat No.16" is now on sale


1.One numbered certificate of authenticity,
2.One fine numbered photographic print of Atsushi Fujiwara, size 18 x 24cm,
3.One original portfolio of William Klein composed of 10 images,
4.One numbered Digigraphie print by Utagawa Hiroshige, size 18 x 24cm,
5.One numbered Silkscreen print, courtesy of Aesop, size 18 x 24cm,

<2015 March 28th>

パリのギャラリー  in)(between art galleryで「詩人の島」の取扱いが始まりました。

"POET ISLAND" is now available at  in)(between art gallery in Paris.

<2015 March 26th>


My new book launch  photo exhibition will start today atZEN FOTO GalleryRoppngi Tokyo

<2015 March 20th>


My new photo book "POT ISLAND" has launched.

<2015 January 31st>

蝶の見た夢のイメージが今年から始まる「Photobook Melbourne」の「Photography Award」のファイナリスト(30)


The image from Butterfly had a dream has been selected for one of 30 finalits of1st Photography award of PhotobookMelbourne.

<2015 January 16th>

長谷川明さんの最後のエッセイと私のインタビューが掲載された「10X10 Japanese photobooks」が蒼穹舎にて


10X10 Japanese Photobooks is now on sale atSOKYUSHA. There are the last essay by Akira Hasegawa and my interview andso on.

<2015 January 16th>

Landscape Storiesにて南国頌が紹介されています。Nangokusho is featured atLandscape Storieas

<2015 January 16th>

東京ADC年鑑2014に「蝶の見た夢」が掲載されました。Butterfly had a dream is on TOKYO ADC ANNUAL 2013.


<2014 November 7th>

11月14日15日英国ロンドンのDoomed Galleryにて行われますH Book Showにて「南国頌」が展示されます。

"Butterfly had a dream" will be shown atH Book Showat Doomed Gallery in London on 14th & 15th November.

<2014 November 6th>

Paris Photo期間中のPhoto Off にてTANTOTEMPOギャラリーにて作品を出品します。

My works will be shown atTANTOTEMPO gallery booth in Photo Off from 13th to 16th November 2014.

<2014 November 6th>

パリでのグループ展「Japanese Eyes」に参加します。11月1日より15日 in)(between gallery

The group show "Japanese Eyes" will be held at in)(between gallery Paris from 1st to 15th November 2014.

<2014  July  24th>

先日行われたアーティストトークの様子がこちらでご覧いただけます。 You can see some pics of the artist talk

at Gallery TANTO TEMPO with this link;

<2014 June 16th>

Eric Gunderson氏キュレーションのオンライン写真集ギャラリー"The New Frame"に「蝶の見た夢」が掲載されました。

"Butterfly had a dream"  is now featured at "The New Frame" curated by Eric Gunderson.

<2014 June 13th>

フランスのウエブサイトHold Up Photoにインタビューが掲載されました。

My interview at French web site "Hold Up Photo".

<2014 June 13th>

The Library Project に蝶の見た夢が掲載されました。

Butterfly had a dream is posted on The Library Project

<2014 June 11th>

indie Photobook Library に蝶の見た夢が掲載されました。

Butterfly had a dream is posted on indie Photobook Library

<2014 June 9th>

藤原敦写真展「南国頌 -幻影への旅- 同時開催・蝶の見た夢」



ギャラリートーク 7月19日(土)16時より  月曜日、火曜日休廊

Atsushi Fujiwara photo exhibition "NANGOKUSHO"&"Butterfly had a dream"


28th June to 8th August 2014.  Artist talk 19th July 2014.

Mondays and Tuesdays are closed.

<2014 June 3rd>

ニューヨークの国際写真センター(ICP)の 10 X 10 photobooks にて最新の記事が掲載されました。

New article by ICP NY, "10 X 10 photobooks"

<2014 June 3rd>

オーストリアのギャラリー  ANZENBERGER Galleryで「蝶の見た夢」の取扱いが始まりました。

"Butterfly had a dream" is now on sale at  ANZENBERGER Gallery in Austria.

<2014 June 3rd>

スペインの書店 DISPARA TIENDAで「蝶の見た夢」の取扱いが始まりました。

"Butterfly had a dream" is now on sale at DISPARA TIENDA  in Spain.

<2014 May 21st>

ポルトガルの写真集オンラインショップPhoto Book Cornerにて「蝶の見た夢」の取扱いが始まりました。

"Butterfly had a dream" is now on sale atPhoto Book Corner. in Portugal

<2014 May 20th>


Butterfly had a dream is now on sale at "bookdummypress" in NY.

<2014 May 1st>

ベルリン在住の美術史家Jan-Frederil Rust氏による「蝶の見た夢」のレビューが紹介されました。

Berlin based art historian Mr.Jan-Frederik Rust introduces "Butterfly had a dream" atFaraway Eyes.

<2014 April 3rd>


New photo book "Butterfly had a dream" is out now. Details will be add atPublicationspage later.

<2014 February 22th>


"NANGOKUSHO" is now on sale atSha Sha Sha.

<2014 February 22th>


"ASPHALT 6th to 10th" are now on sale atSha Sha Sha.

<2014 February 18th>

英国ブライトンで行われます写真集展「G Book Show-Photobookshow」に拙著「南国頌」が選出されました。

"NANGOKUSHO" is selected and will participate "G Book Show-Photobookshow" in Brighton U.K..

<2014 February 3rd>

My latest photobook will participate a photobook exhibition "BINDING IMAGE" in Amsterdam.

オランダ・アムステルダムで開催されます写真集展BINDING IMAGEに拙著「南国頌」が展示されます。

<2014 January 25th>

indie Photobook Library に南国頌が掲載されました。

NANGOKUSHO is posted on indie Photobook Library

<2013 December 6th>

東京ADC年鑑2013に「南国頌」が掲載されました。NANGOKUSHO is on TOKYO ADC ANNUAL 2013.


<2013 November 19th>

PhotoNOLA2013の一環としてJurorのSeth Curcio氏がセレクトした今年の写真集28点に「南国頌」が選ばれました。

The Contemporary Arts Center New Orleansにて12月2日から30日まで展示されます。 

"NANGOKUSHO" has been selected for PhotoNOLA2013 by juror Mr.Seth Curcio. There will be 28 selected

photobooksexhibited at Unfolding Images in The Contemporary Arts Center New Orleansfrom 2nd to 30th


<2013 November 1st>


You can see Fotobookfestival, Kassel 2013 with this link.

<2013 October 18th>

アイルランドのThe Library Projectで南国頌の取り扱いが始まりました。

NANGOKUSHO is now available atThe Library Projectin Ireland.

<2013 October 9th>

パリの野外写真イベントにおいてin)(between art gallery が南国頌他のプロジェクションを行いました。 

in)(between art gallery projected about 100 images from my works at outdoor

photo event in the evening 8th October in Paris.

<2013 October 8th>

オーストラリア発写真ウエブサイト「The New Frame」で南国頌のreviewが紹介されました。

There is book reviewof NANGOKUSHO at photo website in Australia "The New Frame".

<2013 August 23rd>


There is  book reviewof NANGOKUSHO at photo website in U.S. "photo-eye"

<2013 August 7th>

オーストラリアの写真サイトThe Asia-Pacific Photobook Archiveに写真集「南国頌」が紹介されました。

"NANGOKUSHO" is now featured by Australian photo web site "The Asia-Pacific Photobook Archive"

<2013 August 5th>


詳細は International Photobook Festibal, Kassel Germany 2013年10月24日から27日迄

I'll participate  International Photobook Festibal, Kassel Germany  in October 2013

<2013 July 31st>

6月に行われましたパリのインビトゥイーンギャラリーでのグループ展の様子が ↓ こちらからご覧になれます。

You can see the pictures of group exhibition in Paris in June 2013 at  In)(between art gallery from link

below ;

<2013 June >

パリの写真集書店ギャラリーのル・バルにて写真集「南国頌」のサイン会をします 6月8日(土)午後6時より

Book signing at  LE BAL on 8th June 2013 from 6pm