Kyoto News Paper - about SEMIMARU
Virtual Bookshelf JC - about SEMIMARU Κ^WuδΫv
Faraway Eyes - about SEMIMARU Κ^WuδΫv
FLASH !- about Poet Island Κ^WulΜvζθPS_fΪ@TSy[W©η
TRETERZI 3/3 - about Butterfly had a dream Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
EMAHO Magazine - about Poet Island Κ^WulΜv
The New Frame - about Poet Island Κ^WulΜv
Zen Foto Blog- about Poet Island book launch exhibition Κ^WulΜvr [A[tHguO
Faraway Eyes- about Poet Island by art historian Jan-Frederik Rust Κ^WulΜvόpjΖWtfbNXg
Artscape - about Poet Island by photo critic Kotaro Iizawa Κ^WulΜv Κ^]_ΖEΡςkΎY
Christer EK - about Poet Island Κ^WulΜv
Gabriela Cendoya - about Poet Island Κ^WulΜv
Virtual Bookshelf JC - about Poet Island Κ^WulΜv
The New Frame - about Butterfly had a dream@Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
Hold Up Photo- My interview C^r [fΪ
The Library Project- about Butterfly had a dream@Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
indie Photobook Library- about Butterfly had a dream@Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
Faraway Eyes- about Butterfly had a dream@Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
Virtual Bookshelf JC- about Butterfly had a dream@Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
IMA online- about Butterfly had a dream@ Κ^Wu±Μ©½²v
indie Photobook Library- about NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
photo-eye book review- about NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
Virtual Bookshelf JC- about NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
Asia-Pasific Photobook archive- about NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
Theory of Clouds- about series of NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
Photoreview- about a group exhibition in Paris@pΕΜW¦
The Library Project- about series of NANGOKUSHO@Κ^Wuμθρv
Nikkei News Paper- NANGOKUSHO Κ^WuμθρvL@ϊ{oΟV·
IMA online- about NANGOKUSHO Κ^Wuμθρv
akina books- Akira Hasegawa interview
akina books- about Asphalt
Hold Up Photo- My interview about Asphalt
eyecurious books- about Asphalt
Japan expusures- about Asphalt